Pregnancy and Varicose Veins

Pregnancy and Varicose Veins

Pregnancy and Varicose Veins

Pregnancy and Varicose Veins

Pregnancy and Varicose Veins

June 14, 2016

Unfortunately, vein conditions and pregnancy can often go hand-in-hand. Some women develop varicose veins when they become pregnant. Pregnancy not only increases blood volume in your body, but also slows down the blood flow from your legs to your pelvis. Even though the circulatory pattern is designed to support the developing fetus, this decreased blood flow can result in an unfortunate side effect, known as varicose veins.

This vein condition may get worse during late pregnancy, specifically when your uterus puts greater pressure in your leg veins. Generally, varicose veins that progress during pregnancy are recovered without any medical treatment within 3 months to 1 year after delivery.

Tips For Prevention                                                      

Following are some important tips you can follow to prevent this vein condition during pregnancy.

  • Maintain blood flow: Whenever possible, get off your feet and keep your legs elevated while you are sitting. When you are standing, alternate legs as a foundation point. Moreover, every so often, flex your ankles. All these actions will help keep your blood flowing.
  • Keep moving: The key to prevent varicose veins is regular exercise.
  • Be comfortable: Ensure to always wear clothes, including underwear, that don’t bind or fit properly, specifically around the top of your legs. In addition, don’t wear tight socks and belts with tight elastic tops. Also avoid stiletto heels and tight-fitting shoes.
  • Sleeping on your left side: This strategy keeps the circulation going strong and also helps to avoid pressure on your main blood vessels.
  • Take vitamins on a daily basis: A balanced pregnancy diet will keep your veins healthy; therefore, it is a must to eat foods rich in Vitamin C. This is because your body uses this vitamin to produce elastin and collagen. These are connective tissue that aids in repairing and maintaining blood vessels.

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