3 Myths about Vein Disease & Treatment

3 Myths about Vein Disease & Treatment

3 Myths about Vein Disease & Treatment

3 Myths about Vein Disease & Treatment

3 Myths about Vein Disease & Treatment

February 17, 2014

Healthy veins are essential to living well. While varicose veins may simply seem unsightly, if untreated, they can lead to serious medical issues. Treatment for venous conditions is easier than you may think—let’s take a look at three common myths surrounding treatment and learn the facts about varicose veins.

MYTH #1: Varicose veins are simply a cosmetic issue and cannot be treated.

FACT:  Varicose veins occur from Chronic Venous Insufficiency (CVI).  This is when pressure increases is the venous system; malfunctioning vein valves cause the veins to be over-dilated.  When this occurs, blood is not effectively returned to the heart and it pools in the leg, becoming stagnant in the veins.  Varicose veins can result in skin changes, chronic inflammation, swelling, aching and heaviness in the legs as well as increased risk for blood clot formation.  This is a medical condition, not a cosmetic issue.  There are many excellent, minimally-invasive treatment options that are done in a comfortable office setting that will not change your normal routine.

MYTH #2: Insurance plans will not cover treatment of my varicose veins.

FACT:  Varicose veins can lead to chronic skin rashes, skin ulcerations, defects in soft tissue, superficial blood clots and many physical symptoms that interfere with daily life.  Many insurance plans do cover the treatment of varicose veins when they are causing symptoms to occur.  Check with your individual insurance company to determine coverage by calling the customer service number on the back or your card.  You can also call our York or Lancaster office, and a member of our dedicated staff will look into your coverage for you prior to initiating treatment.

MYTH #3: Spider veins are not a problem.

FACT:  Spider veins appear as a nest of blue or red veins that are fine and thread-like; they typically do not bulge. They can be an indicator that there is underlying venous disease.  Many times the changes you see on the surface are just the “tip of the iceberg,” and a more thorough evaluation should be completed to determine the extent of the disease.

If you suffer from tired, achy legs or other varicose vein symptoms, you should know AVLC offers virtually pain-free treatments for your venous conditions. We provide minimally-invasive options to treat you in the comfort of our facility—walk-in, walk-out. Contact our York or Lancaster office for a free ultrasound screening to see if your leg discomfort could be caused by varicose veins.

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