Spotting the Warning Signs of a Blood Clot

Spotting the Warning Signs of a Blood Clot

Blood clots are your body’s natural response to an injury. They serve to stem the bleeding on a cut and seal off the wound so you can heal. Your blood’s ability to clot is a good thing; however, the formation of a blood clot poses a risk when it blocks the flow of...
What Are Venous Ulcers?

What Are Venous Ulcers?

An open sore of any kind is never a pleasant affair, but those that usually form near the ankles present their own unique set of challenges. Called venous ulcers, these slow-healing wounds require a higher standard of care because of the high risk of infection. At...
Are Spider Veins a Health Risk?

Are Spider Veins a Health Risk?

Spider veins crop up in more than 60% of adults in the United States, usually taking up residence in highly visible areas on your legs and face. While these veins certainly present a cosmetic issue, are they cause for concern? Mostly no, but in some cases,...
Why Are My Legs Always Feeling Numb?

Why Are My Legs Always Feeling Numb?

There are many problems that can lead to temporary numbness in your legs, from a herniated disc to simply crossing your legs for too long. Chronic issues with leg numbness, on the other hand, may be a sign of something much bigger that involves your vascular health....